So that lull I was noticing last week took my out of my little blog world for a few days, but I do feel better. Next time I'm going to need a guest blogger to help me out.
I've been listening to a ton of music and trying to steal time to read. Cole has me hooked to The Hunger Games and Catching Fire.
REALLY good reads. I furtively crept into a bar on Sunday and ordered a beer so I could get some time alone.
I need more ME time. What do you do with your me time?
I feel tremendously guilty when I hide out, but when I do get away chances are I'm by a body of water. On Saturday I stopped the car by a small lake and sat in the grass looking at the partially overcast sky reflected upon the water's surface and I finally relaxed. It felt like I hadn't truly exhaled for weeks.
I broke out the Zune and found a song I've been jamming out to and just four scant minutes later, I was right as rain.
The idiom "Right as Rain" doesn't have an agreed upon genesis. Rather, it's assumed that it is just a play on words using alliteration. However, I prefer to subscribe to the notion of

So I implore you, take a little ME time this week. Get away from everyone or, whatever, do the opposite and get everyone you know together. But remember that not only are we obligated to look out for our own happiness but we're the ones accountable to make our days more meaningful and worthwhile. I think this may be more effective than the ice cream sandwiches I suggested last week (but nowhere near as delish.)
So thank you Great Lake Swimmers, Cole, and thus Suzanne Collins for helping me stop rushing from point a to point b and to re-center myself again.
(Oh, and everyone who posted in that CD giveaway will be receiving a CD from me someway, somehow. I'm making a custom CD for each of you, so look for that next week!)
HAHAHAAHA. THat totally made me LOL. great pic. ;)
love, makay
Excited about the cd. Really wish I could have me time. If I could I think I would drive up north, sit on the rim, read, pray, listen to music, just enjoy the quiet. ah such a dream. I'm glad you enjoyed the books. Again you are lucky you only have to wait a few weeks for the third to come out instead of years. Cant wait for Saturday's luau. We all may have a big surprise. well I know about it, can't say anything yet but its something that makes me so so happy! :)
I'm glad you approve, Makay!
Cole - what's up with the tease?!?! Umm... my first guess is that we might have a surprise guest?? Maybe Stephanie?? I have terrible intuition, so I'm probably way off!
Yeah, I'm still on the second book but I'll be done in no time. They are really great!
this is probably by far one of my favorite posts of yours.
if your anything like me then you feel the lulls as you call them twice as hard because they don't show their head often.
nicole got everyone hooked on those books! nice call nicole! no for book three and a movie and were set! :)
STOKED for my cd.. i feel like i might make you a country mix.. you know to simply broaden your horizons. my bet is you never i tuned brooks and dun - pity they wll appear first on the cd.
you game>
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